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Advantages and Disadvantages of a Bird’s Nest Custody Arrangement


A Scottsdale child custody lawyer can help parents to determine what custody arrangement is the most appropriate for their specific family situation. There are a number of different options that will allow parents to share custody, or parenting time as it is typically referred to under Arizona’s current custody laws as outlined by an Arizona State Senate Issue Brief. 

One possible custody option that some parents decide is appropriate for their families is called a bird’s nest custody plan. A bird’s nest custody plan can provide stability for children, but isn’t always the right choice for parents because it can require a lot of parental sacrifice and it could potentially be costly depending upon how the parents choose to operate this particular custody plan.

Singer Pistiner, P.C. can help parents to understand how a bird’s nest custody arrangement works and can assist parents in determining if this type of custody plan would be advisable in their situation or if an alternative plan would work best.

Our legal team can explain all of your different options for custody and can help you to create a plan that works for you through out-of-court negotiations or to argue for your preferred plan in family court. To find out more about how our legal team can help you, give us a call today.

Advantages of a Bird’s Nest Custody Arrangement

A bird’s nest custody arrangement involves the children staying in the family home all of the time. Mom and dad will take turns living in the family home with the children. The parents will either share an off-site apartment or house where one of them goes when the other parent is in the house with the kids, or will have their own separate off-site residences where they can each go.

The advantages of a bird’s nest custody arrangement include:

  • Stability for the children. The kids don’t have to move back and forth, as they do in most custody arrangements. Instead, it is parents who do the moving around that the divorce has necessitated.
  • Children’s routines can be kept consistent: Little changes in the lives of children when a bird’s nest custody plan is put into place. They continue to remain in their home and to see both parents; they simply don’t have both parents living in the house at the same time.
  • The plan can be cost-effective: If parents decide to share the family home and to share an off-site apartment, a bird’s nest custody plan can be more cost effective than if the parents set up two entirely separate households. The off-site apartment does not have to be large enough to accommodate the children and doesn’t necessarily have to be in the same school district, which can mean big savings when parents have their children in a school district where property values are high.

These are some of the big reasons why parents select a bird’s nest custody plan. Many parents will opt for this type of custody arrangement on a temporary basis, just until children get more used to the idea of a divorce.

Disadvantages of a Bird’s Nest Custody Arrangement

While a bird’s nest custody arrangement can be good for kids, it can be difficult for parents. Parents have to continue to share a living space after divorce, which is not always ideal since they likely weren’t getting along before the marriage ended. Parents may not have any privacy if they share both the family home and their off-site location, but if they each get separate off-site locations then the costs of a bird’s nest custody plan are significantly higher.

If parents want to use a bird’s nest custody plan, they should work with an attorney so they have a clear agreement on how time with kids will be shared, on how costs of the family home will be split, and on all of the other details of how the arrangement will work.

Getting Help from A Scottsdale Child Custody Lawyer

A Scottsdale child custody lawyer can help parents to create a plan for a bird’s nest custody arrangement or can otherwise assist parents in making a custody plan that works for their family situation. To find out about your options for dividing custody and addressing other issues during your divorce, download our free divorce guide.

You can also give us a call at (480) 418-7011 or contact us online to get personalized advice from an experienced attorney. Call today so we can work with you on your custody plans and so you can protect your children during a separation or divorce.