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How Does Parental Alienation Affect Child Custody Cases?


A child custody lawyer Scottsdale should be consulted as soon as possible if you suspect your child’s other parent is trying to poison your relationship with your kids. Parental alienation is a significant problem in cases of separation or divorce, and it can undermine the health of the parent/child relationship. It is not good for anyone when parents and kids aren’t able to build strong bonds, so you should take prompt action if your ex is turning your child against you. 

When a parent tries to negatively influence a child’s opinion of the other parent, this is referred to as parental alienation. Depending upon the situation, parental alienation can have an impact on a custody arrangement and can have other consequences for the parent who is acting inappropriately. You need to know what your rights are when alienation is occurring. A child custody lawyer Scottsdale at Singer Pistiner, P.C. can help you to explore legal remedies and to take action. Give us a call today to find out more.

How Does Parental Alienation Affect Child Custody?

If one parent is engaged in a pattern of parental alienation, it is unlikely that parents will be able to work together to come to an agreement on sharing parenting time. Parents must be willing to cooperate and put their children’s interests first in order for them to be able to reach a reasonable agreement. If one parent is determined to try to spoil the child’s relationship with the other parent, usually the parents cannot agree on a time share with the kids even when a mediator and lawyers become involved.

As a result, the parents will litigate on the issue of child custody. The judge will need to consider what is in the child’s best interest. The factors the court will consider are found in Arizona Code section 25-403. One of the factors that the court looks at is which parent is more likely to permit meaningful, frequent, and continued custody with the other parent. This means if a parent is engaged in parental alienation, this can count against that parent as a court determines an appropriate custody arrangement. The court may determine that the child should actually spend more time with the other parent who is not engaged in the practice of trying to cause alienation affecting the important parent/child relationship.

In certain situations, parental alienation also crosses the line into custodial interference. If one parent is keeping children away from the other parent in violation of a custody order, this could result in criminal charges. Custodial interference is a felony offense in Arizona, with possible penalties up-to- and including jail time.

Taking Action in Cases of Parental Alienation

Parents need to be aware of the laws on parental alienation and must understand exactly how these laws affect child custody cases. There is nothing more important to most parents than being able to maintain a good relationship with their kids. If your ex is interfering with that relationship, you need to consult with a child custody lawyer Scottsdale so you can explore all appropriate legal remedies.

It is important to document each instance in which your ex engages in alienating behavior or in which the child’s other parent fails to comply with the custody order. Note the date and time of the incident, whether there were any witnesses to the incident, what was said, and whether the other parent was late for a visit or failed to bring the child to a visit when required by the custody order.

This documentation can prove invaluable in initiating appropriate legal action to stop the alienating behavior and to ensure that you are getting all of the time with your children that you are supposed to receive. A child custody lawyer Scottsdale can provide help in pursuing the proper legal remedies in cases of alienation and can assist you in convince the court that the other parent is not acting appropriately.

Contact a Child Custody Lawyer Scottsdale

If you need a child custody lawyer Scottsdale to help you in cases of parental alienation, Singer Pistiner, P.C. is here to help. You can find out more about the issues affecting child custody by downloading our free divorce guide. You can also give us a call at (480) 418-7011 or contact us online to find out more about what you can do if your ex is alienating your kids and interfering in your relationship. We’ll help you to explore legal remedies and will advocate for you in protecting the bond you have with your children. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help.
