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What Happens to Child Support if You Remarry?


If you have a child, you have a legal responsibility to provide financial support to that child. This is true even if you were never married to the other parent or if you do not have visitation rights to the child.  The amount that you are required to pay is determined based on a standard formula that considers the total combined income of the two parents; your share of the income; the number of children; the special needs of the children; and the amount of time that you spend with your kids.  

You must pay child support as required by law and if something in your situation changes, you will need to have the support order modified before you alter the amount that you pay.  There are many different life developments you may experience and you need to understand impact of important changes on your support obligations. For example, it is essential to understand what happens to child support if you remarry so you can decide if you wish to petition the court to modify your support obligations. An experienced Phoenix, AZ divorce and family law attorney can provide you with the insight you need into whether your new marriage will result in a change to your obligation to your kids. Singer Pistiner, P.C. can also assist you in going to court to seek a modification of a support order.

What Happens to Child Support If You Remarry?

If you remarry, your child support obligation may change, but it will not necessarily be altered.  Only your income is factored in to the amount that you have to pay for your kids. This means that even if your spouse makes a lot of money, or even if your new spouse is going to be dependent upon you for financial support, your obligations to your children from your prior relationship stay the same. In some limited cases, however, your new marriage will result in a significant change in your tax liability. If this happens, then your support amount could be adjusted in light of the new required tax payments you have to make.

A new marriage can also lead to other life events that could affect your child support. For example, if you and your new spouse have a new baby, your expenses for your new family may rise. Under these circumstances, it is sometimes possible to have your prior support obligations reduced.  In contrast, if you and your new spouse move away and you no longer spend  as much time taking care of your children from your prior relationship, your support obligation may increase.

All of this means that it can be difficult to determine what happens to child support if you remarry since everyone’s circumstances are different. The best thing to do is to speak with a Phoenix divorce lawyer with an understanding of the rules and guidelines for child support in Arizona. Your attorney can help you to understand how the life changes you’re making affect support and can assist in the process of seeking a modification when appropriate. Call Singer Pistiner, P.C. today to learn more about how a lawyer can help you.

To learn more, please download our free child protection in Arizona here.
