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Legal Separation vs Divorce, Which is Right for You in Arizona?


Legal separation and divorce are two common options for couples who are going through a rough patch in their marriage. Both options have their pros and cons, and choosing the right one can be a daunting task. In Arizona, the laws surrounding legal separation and divorce can be complex, and it's essential to understand the differences between the two. In this blog post, we will discuss legal separation and divorce in Arizona and help you determine which option is right for you.

What is Legal Separation?

Legal separation is a legal process that allows couples to live apart while still being legally married. During a legal separation, the couple will divide their assets, debts, and property, and determine child custody, visitation, and support. The main difference between legal separation and divorce is that legal separation does not dissolve the marriage. This means that the couple can still receive certain benefits, such as health insurance and social security, that they would lose if they were divorced.

What is Divorce?

Divorce is a legal process that dissolves a marriage. During a divorce, the couple will divide their assets, debts, and property, and determine child custody, visitation, and support. Once the divorce is finalized, the couple is no longer legally married, and both parties are free to remarry.

Which Option is Right for You?

Choosing between legal separation and divorce can be a difficult decision. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Your Religious Beliefs: If you have strong religious beliefs that prohibit divorce, legal separation may be a better option for you.
  • Your Financial Situation: If you or your spouse rely on certain benefits, such as health insurance or social security, legal separation may be a better option for you.
  • Your Relationship with Your Spouse: If you and your spouse are on good terms and want to work on your marriage, legal separation may be a better option for you. However, if your relationship is toxic and irreparable, divorce may be the best option.
  • Your Future Plans: If you or your spouse plan on remarrying in the future, divorce may be the best option.

If you're still unsure which option is right for you, it's best to consult with a family law attorney. At Singer Pistiner, PC, we have years of experience helping clients navigate legal separation and divorce in Arizona.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
